PTSD Recovery Program

This site and pro­to­cols are pub­lished for LiveO2 customers.

Trirat Lipton’s Story

Tri­rat Lip­ton was the first par­tic­i­pant in the PTSD pro­gram.  This frank inter­view was tak­en two days after he fin­ished three days of the pilot experiment.

Since this inter­view Tri­rat asked to be the LiveO2 PTSD out­reach lead.

Before the expe­ri­ence Tri­rat was clas­si­fied 70% dis­abled by the VA due to anx­i­ety and oth­er issues.  He clear­ly express­es what it felt like to cope with PTSD symp­toms as the focus of his life and what he felt it was like for his loved ones.

The video is divid­ed into sections.

Use the menu icon, upper left, to nav­i­gate the interview.

Nathan’s Story

Nathan expe­ri­enced a head injury in Iraq when his vehi­cle was hit by 2 RPGs while pulling down the stat­ue of Sad­dam Hus­sein.  He expe­ri­enced emo­tion­al trau­ma when his fel­low sol­diers were KIA.   He is clas­si­fied 100% dis­abled.  The main cri­te­ria for 100% dis­abled is the inabil­i­ty to have friends.

In this seg­ment, tak­en dur­ing the 2nd day, Nathan speaks of feel­ing regained capac­i­ty to emo­tion­al­ly re-con­nect with his wife.  Lat­er he nar­rates the sen­sa­tion of hav­ing his brain turn back on.

What Next for you?

Since recov­ery joined our team and became our PTSD Out­reach person.

His goal is to help oth­er vet­er­ans get their lives back.

Technical Explanations

This 3 part series offers expla­na­tion and doc­u­men­ta­tion of the recov­ery process.

  1. Tri­rat’s func­tion­al brain tests on day 0, 3 and 7 show­ing restora­tion of brain func­tion dur­ing his recovery.
  2. Expla­na­tion of PTSD per­sis­tence after TBI.  Phys­i­o­log­i­cal expla­na­tion of why peo­ple with PTSD tend to inap­pro­pri­ate social behav­ior.  Expla­na­tion of recov­ery process.
  3. Sug­ges­tion of why PTSD has remained incur­able and pric­ing for recov­ery program.